General Aspects of Audit Services


Power industry
The medicine

About Us

Audit organization "AUDIT-VARN" in the form of a limited liability company was established in 1996 and successfully operates in the auditing market for a number of years. During this period, we have achieved certain results. The statutory fund currently stands at over 5,000 minimum wages on the day of registration. The audit organization unites in its ranks qualified auditors, highly qualified specialists and experts in their field who are able to solve problems of any complexity.

Meet the high requirements and provide qualified assistance to our customers - these are the main values and tasks that we set ourselves in our daily activities. We build our relationships with customers on the principles of independence, honesty, openness and mutual trust. By developing an open and active dialogue with customers, we are expanding our presence in the market.


International Conference: “Investor: Course on Uzbekistan!”

International Conference: “Investor: Course on Uzbekistan!”

International Conference: “Investor: Course on Uzbekistan!”. Economic forecast for Uzbekistan for 2020.

26 September, 2019
December 9 - Day of Accountants and Auditors

December 9 - Day of Accountants and Auditors

December 9 Audit organization "AUDIT - VARN" attended the event dedicated to the Day of accountants and auditors

10 December, 2018
FinExpertiza Network international conference

FinExpertiza Network international conference

The members of international audit and consulting network FinExpertiza came to Belgrade on 20 - 21 September...

23 September, 2018